By default sorting when we use ORDER BY clause is the ascending sort. Have to remember that ascending order means:
- by character data - alphabetical
- by numbers - low to high
- data - earliest to latest
select first_name, last_name
from employees
where salary > 1000
order by last_name desc;
-------------------- -------------------------
Eleni Zlotkey
Matthew Weiss
Shanta Vollman
Clara Vishney
Jose Manuel Urman
Oliver Tuvault
Peter Tucker
Jonathon Taylor
Patrick Sully
Lindsey Smith
William Smith
-------------------- -------------------------
Sarath Sewall
Ismael Sciarra....
We can sort instead of scpecifying column name, specifying the position of column as it ocures in select statement. It means that positional sortig is possible only for columns that are listet in select statement. For example:
select first_name, last_name
from employees
where salary between 5000 and 10000
and job_id like 'SA%'
order by 2;
-------------------- -------------------------
Sundar Ande
Amit Banda
Elizabeth Bates
David Bernstein
Harrison Bloom
Nanette Cambrault
Louise Doran
Tayler Fox
Kimberely Grant
Danielle Greene...
Composite sorting - when result of a query are sorted by more than one column. Each column will be listed in order by clause from left to right in order of importance. To separate the columns we are using commas. We can also mix literally and positional sorting together. For example:
select last_name, first_name, salary from employees
where salary>5000
order by last_name, 3;
------------------------- -------------------- ----------
Abel Ellen 11000
Ande Sundar 6400
Baer Hermann 10000
Banda Amit 6200
Bates Elizabeth 7300
Bernstein David 9500
Bloom Harrison 10000
Cambrault Nanette 7500
Cambrault Gerald 11000
Chen John 8200
De Haan Lex 17000
Doran Louise 7500
Ernst Bruce 6000
Errazuriz Alberto 12000
Faviet Daniel 9000
Fay Pat 6000
Fox Tayler 9600
Fripp Adam 8200
Gietz William 8300
Grant Kimberely 7000...
All rows will be sort by last_name alphabetically. The rows with same last_name value will be sorted by salary in ascending order.
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